Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Throwing Darts

I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks and I'd like to apologize to both my readers (and say hi to you mom!). I've replaced late night blogging with late night coding. Some of the coding has been on InstantEncore and some has been on my new pet project Should I Watch.

I've also been making my rounds on the internet. To see my holiday spirit, go to picture 18 on the Jeff and Jer show's ugly holiday sweater contest (here). Erin encouraged me to dust off the sweater I found last year. The winner of the contest gets $500, but there are some other good ones and I'd say my chances of winning are nill.

I also recently had a "bleg" of mine posted on the Freakonomics blog. If you haven't read the book Freakonomics I highly recommend it. It has made me ask "why" more often. The question I "blegged" was whether there is such a thing as too much data (I asked in relation to the Should I Watch website). A lot of people left insightful comments, so check those out. Thanks again to the freakonomics guys for taking the time to post and answer the bleg. I highly recommend checking out their blog regularly.

In other internet news, Erick Rarick, a co-worker of mine at InstantEncore, was recently on the news in San Diego. The music group he is a part of, Bach Collegium San Diego, was doing a Handel's Messiah concert and the news did a feature about it. You can view the news clip here. Erick is the very first person they show during the piece.

Lastly, I'd like to give a big congratulations to my mom. She was named Alameda Realtor of the year 2008. I think it's even more impressive given the slow down in the economy. Mom always said the bad times were good because it filtered out the realtors who couldn't cut it. Well, clearly mom, you make the cut. I hope they give you a big trophy like when a team wins the championship.

Looking ahead, I've been wanting to write a blog of hydro foiling sailboats. My brother in law, Sean, has been designing (and now sailing) one in NZ and it's one of the coolest things I've seen. Hope to get that out by Christmas. If I don't talk to everyone before then, hope you have a wonderful holiday!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sometimes Bad is Bad

Let this be a lesson to everyone out there. Don't blog when tired. I actually wrote the following blog...


It's 1:10am. I'm failing at prettying up the user interface that I'm working on. The team I played ball for tonight lost by 50 (I'm not exaggerating). And the Warriors lost in excruciating fashion in overtime. I'm convinced the coach is losing on purpose. On the bright side, I'm rocking out to Huey Lewis... but of course the current song is "Bad is Bad." Go figure.

At least I'm content knowing that Sports is the coolest name ever for album.