Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Quick Gmail tip

If I keep this up I might have to rename my blog after Google, but I thought this might be useful.

Do you ever click on an email link on a webpage and it opens Outlook? Well, this is pretty annoying, especially for someone like me who gave up on Outlook and uses Gmail. The good news is that there is a trick for Firefox users that will open a new Gmail email instead.

It's really easy to set up and here's a good example: I used it today to set it up on my new laptop.

Speaking of the laptop, I ordered a big battery so that I wouldn't have to recharge as much (especially when traveling). Unfortunately, the estimated ship date is Oct 24 (and I ordered it at the end of July). I have heard conflicting reasons. Ross blames it on Prius batteries driving up demand. However, I'm not sure if he's messing with me. I also read that it could be because two factories in China where they are made were destroyed in a fire and the big earthquake. Those must be some big factories if it effects supply that much. Oh well, maybe I can find some wind power option!

Wow, this blog is frighteningly boring. I'm guaranteed to have zero readers in no time. The only people who might read it are my co-workers, but they hear me talk about all this stuff already. Well, at least it gives everyone an insight into what I'm like at work!

Monday, August 25, 2008


Zach sent me a link today and (as usual) I stopped working and spent 5 minutes checking it out. Since it was so cool and the point of this blog is to share my knowledge I figured I give it the honor of being my second blog.

And here it is, BigDog.

It's a quadruped robot built by Boston Dynamics and it does stuff I've never seen a robot do like walk over anything, resist being knocked down and recovering from a slip on the ice. For more info check out the Boston Dynamics site about BigDog

Lastly, here is a somewhat amusing parody of BigDog. We may be able to teach robots to walk, but no one has taught them humor.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Thank you for being the only one to read this

I don't think anyone will like my blog. If you like the Warriors, technology, bicycles, music and some politics you might find something of interest. However, most of the time you'll find randomness.

Things I might write about include:
  • Bands I've just discovered
  • Cool new websites and gadgets
  • When I am mad at the Warriors
  • Political rants (typically left leaning, but I might surprise you)
Think of this blog as my way to share all the (limited) wisdom I have - archived in one neat place.

By the way, I'm not going to worry about spelling or grammar (sorry, Mom). Also, the later at night that I write, the worse my posts will be. I'm writing this at 12:48am so I'm off to a bad start. However, I had to start somewhere.

With that said, my first post will be about how I would read this blog if I were you. Simple, add it to Google Reader and check that periodically. Put all your favorite blogs and news feeds in Google Reader and surely something interesting will pop up everyday. And this way you don't have to worry about checking a bunch of websites everyday for new posts.

Here's how to do it:
1. On the left of this page, near the top, is a section that says "Subscribe to"
2. Click the box that says "Posts"
3. Choose "Add to Google"
4. Follow instructions

I use Google Reader to track my mom's blog, my sister's blog, my favorite Warriors blogger and Bill Simmons (the Sports Guy).

Have a question? Email me. No one else is reading this anyway.