Sunday, March 8, 2009

25 minutes of 60 Minutes that I'd recommend

Like my grandfather and a large majority of the older people in our country, I watch 60 minutes pretty regularly.

This week had a fantastic episode about the faultiness of eye-witness testimonies in trials. The science behind it and the doubt it places in the justice system are both interesting, but it's the personal story of the accuser and the falsely accused that led me to blog about it. If you've got about 25 minutes I'd highly recommend checking it out. You can watch the video below (it actually took up two segments on the show).

I've always had an interest in innocent people who go to jail because I just can't imagine what they most go through. For every case that has a "happy" ending (as happy as it can be considering the tragedy) there must be so many more that never get exposed. I hope the lessons learned from this case are being applied throughout the justice system.

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I would actually say that the first segment of the show about how the FDIC takes over banks was worth watching too. In fact, even Andy Rooney's usually nonsensical and unimportant ramblings were thought provoking. Overall, tonight's episode helps explain why the old people love 60 minutes. Now, can someone explain to me why they like Matlock?

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