Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lost in the supermarket

A few weeks ago Erin and I started a new system where one night a week it's my job to prepare for and make dinner.  I'm perfectly happy to do this.  Erin is definitely the household leader in cooking, and though I try to help with meals and do dishes, etc. she is clearly putting the most effort in.  I discovered a long time ago that I'm most productive with chores if I have a specific task so this works great for me.

So yesterday (Wednesday) was my day to cook and I went to the store to prepare.  I decided on Bobili pizza (with peppers and pineapple), salad and some veggie crisps.  Not fancy, but plenty good and right in my sweet spot of capabilities.  

The most difficult part for me was navigating the store to find the ingredients.  I'm sure there is logic to supermarkets, but it's not how my brain works.  I was starting to get frustrated when I dreamed up a kiosk system that would tell me where items were.  Everytime I go in the store I walk around aimlessy for 10 minutes.  All my problems would be solved if I could walk up to a screen and map out everything I needed.  It could even print me a little road map.  I can't believe they don't have this.

Well, this morning I saw a news article that shows researchers agree with me: Elderly shoppers to get 'sat nav' gadget to find their way around supermarkets. If I have to fake dementia to get this gadget I will.  And until this goes to market (pun intended), if you want to invite us out to dinner, make it a Wednesday.

1 comment:

Sutter Schumacher said...

Sounds an awful lot like the quest Dad used to have for invitations out on Sunday nights to avoid cleaning nights.