Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Inauguration Haiku

I started to write a long and boring blog about the inauguration. Instead, I'll summarize in haiku form and then give you a couple of interesting things I noticed.

So happy for change
The time for thinkers is now
Face problems with smarts

Ok, that took me way too long to figure out (and I stole the middle line), but at least you don't have to read the rest of my boring blog.

Among the poignant things I saw:
  • The video of Bush and Obama hugging it out on Bush's way to the helicopter. Say what you will about America, but the proof that we live in a great country can be seen in how the once most powerful man in the world so easily passes his job to the next man. To me this is a sign of a highly evolved civilization. We've got a long ways to go to be perfect, but the ingredients are there. Yes we can!
  • There were some great interviews on The News Hour (watch here) with people who were at the inauguration. My favorite was the 105 year old woman, Elma Mae Johnson, who traveled from Cleveland to be there. It starts 1:45 into the video. This woman was sharp - no sign of aging in her mind what so ever. If they didn't tell you she was 105 and you just read the text of the interview you would have thought she was 30. Quite inspirational. Never stop using your mind.
  • Lastly, I hate Balls - inaguration balls. Inaguration balls rank up there with stupid half time shows are among the dumbest things I've ever seen. It might be ok, to be at one of these things, but watching it on TV is so painful. Oh well, that's pretty far down on the priority list of things to fix. Time to start at the top!

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