Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My blog version of the Daily Show

The Daily Show is a comedy show that at it's heart preaches liberal politics by showing videos that make fun of conservatives. I thought I'd do my blog version of that.

Here are of some of the YouTube political videos I've seen in the past 6 months. Conservatives, beware of heavy Obama footage. Actually, just get used it, there's about 8 more years of this.

NOTE: some of the videos have objectionable language. I don't condone it, but I might have laughed (these are the warnings you need when you know you mom might be reading this).

Without further ado, let's get started (in order of when I saw them, oldest to newest)...

The Empire Strikes Barak
This one is back from the primary and shows how Obama defeated the forces of evil.

Obama Brushes the Dirt off his Shoulders
This one starts from a campaign speech he was giving where he brushes off the attacks on him. It's an allusion to the Jay-Z song, and the end of the video is a montage with that and another Jay-Z song "99 Problems".

This one has bad language and sexist remarks.

Obama responds to Tire Inflation Attacks
In this clip Obama responds to republican idiots (Limbaugh, etc) who made fun of him for suggesting that inflating tires would reduce our need for oil. He ends it with the classic line, "It's like they take pride in being ignorant".

John McCain gets Barack Roll'd
If you don't know what getting Rick Roll'd is, click here and then click here for an explanation. This video does some amazing video editing to show McCain getting Barack Roll'd at the Republican National Convention.

The First Dude
This might be the funniest of them all. It's an "interview" by Greta Van Susteren with Todd Palin. It might be the worst interview ever. You might be asking yourself, "in what respect, Evan?". Well, watch the video and find out.

Soulja Boy Responds to the Worst Presidential Debate Ever
Do you remember the Democratic primary debate between Clinton and Obama where ABC News spent half the time on stupid questions. Well, Soulja Boy (or someone pretending to be him) watched it and this is his response.

1 comment:

Sutter Schumacher said...

Don't worry about mom. She's the one who taught us all those words. Well, most of them.